How to Pan for Gold Manually

Here is a manual and simple gold panning guide to help you use the gold panning tool in the right and efficient way.

The explanation is in the form of video and text. If you read and see these instructions, you can reach expert panning levels and achieve much better income than traditional miners.

Gold panning is a lucrative profession and a fun hobby that is practiced all over the world.

You want to take gold, you have to know how to pan for gold manually. It all starts with the miner's ability to pan for gold.

However, I feel that a more complete guide is needed to go beyond these simple steps in the gold panning process.

There is much more involved in successfully finding gold than just using a pot of gold the right way. But that's the starting point. The panning process is based on clear science. The good thing about science, it's not magic. You can learn it, then apply it, until you get gold. How to pan for gold remains simple. Do not worry.

Why should you learn to pan for gold properly and modern?

67% of people who pan for gold fail!


That's a fact. And this is what causes the majority of miners to fail:

The gold panning technique is not good.

Material processing from the point where it is not possible.

Using wooden trays and other inappropriate tools.

Using plates made in China from oily (slippery) materials, gold cannot get stuck in the tray.

Do not use quality modern plastic trays.

So let's see how to pan for gold properly so that you are also sure you can find gold easily and quickly.


 1 . Find the corresponding point that contains gold.

2. Sift rocks and soil before panning for gold.

Strain the ingredients before starting to pan for gold. That's important because large gravel only interferes with the panning process. Use the filter included in the tray set. It's called classification.

The smaller and more evenly distributed the ingredients in your pan, the more efficient the frying process will be.

This sieve step is important so that the next processing step can function properly.

3. Fill the gold plate properly

Fill your tray to the brim with gravel, dirt, and sand. Don't let your plate get too full of ingredients.

The fuller the initial tray, the lower the efficiency.

4. Soak the ingredients in the tray neatly

Soak the ingredients in your pan. Just below the surface of the water. Wet all ingredients. There should be no dry ingredients.

 5. Crushing Clay

Clay is the enemy of gold miners!

BEFORE you fry, you begin to break up any lumps of earth and clay that are present.

The clumps of clay can catch and hold the tiny gold particles, pulling them out of the pan. So it is obligatory to destroy the lumps of clay until it is loose and all loose. This will allow free gold particles to settle to the bottom of the gold pan as they should.

6. Stratification of ingredients: Beat the golden pan.

Shake your pan with sufficient force a few times. Shake your pan back and forth and from side to side. Make sure you don't shake the plate too hard so the ingredients don't come out of the pan. This is called gold stratification, meaning that the material is layered according to the level of objection.

Start by using gentle circular motions. The gravel will begin to spin in a circle in the pan. This will dissolve most of the clay from the pan. Remove roots, moss, wood, and other materials from the tray manually. Make sure all gravel, dirt and sand remain in the tray.

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